Have You Been a Victim of Consumer Fraud?
PinilisHalpern, LLP is a faithful protector of consumer rights. No consumer should be the victim of fraud — even if it is for a small amount of money. In New Jersey, the law almost always provides for enhanced awards to consumers and reimbursement of attorney’s fees; thus, no case is too small.
About Billy Pinilis: Consumer Fraud Lawyer
Billy Pinilis is a highly regarded consumer fraud lawyer, certified civil trial attorney, and adjunct law professor of Consumer Law at Seton Hall Law School in New Jersey. Not only recognized as a "Super Lawyer" in the field of Consumer Law, Mr. Pinilis is also certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney. Less than 3% of the lawyers in the state of New Jersey have the necessary knowledge and experience to have earned this distinction. Mr. Pinilis regularly handles consumer claims, legal malpractice claims, complex commercial litigation, class action litigation, and personal injury/negligence action involving significant injuries. He has acquired a national reputation for excellence in handling consumer fraud, consumer protection and consumer class action claims.

You May Not Know You Have a Case
Consumer fraud impacts everyone — both directly and indirectly. Sellers regularly mislead the consuming public, and most consumers mistakenly believe there is little or nothing they can do after having been taken advantage of by common consumer frauds.
PinilisHalpern, LLP is a consumer law practice that concentrates on representing victims of consumer fraud. Our consumer protection practice is devoted to representing the common individual in the average consumer dispute.
PinilisHalpern, LLP also regularly handles national class action litigation including securities fraud, price fixing, pharmaceutical marketing fraud, and large consumer sales practices cases.
Common Consumer Frauds
In New Jersey, if a consumer has been misled, then you have a viable lawsuit. Under the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, it is not necessary to prove that a seller or advertiser intended to mislead a consumer.
Contact Billy Pinilis About Your Case
Let us know if you think you have a consumer fraud claim. We’ll be in touch within 24 hours to talk to you about your matter.